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Naval industry

Water treatment on board a ship is now essential. Thanks to the UV solutions proposed by SITA we are able to satisfy all needs.

What implants can you use for this application:

UV equipment for marine live fish transport

So-called "Well Boats" are vessels used to transport live fish. It is very important that during the sometimes very long journeys, the fish maintains its quality and characteristics unaltered.

The water in the tanks where the fish is placed is normally and regularly changed and it is necessary to treat both the incoming fresh water and the water already present. For these vessels, therefore, water treatment is essential and UV debaterizers play a very important role in this regard. For this reason, SITA has developed a dedicated series of medium-pressure UV systems capable of treating up to 4000 m3/h. Thanks to the use of powerful lamps, the chambers of SITA units have compact dimensions, and the size of electrical panels has also been reduced. SITAUV therefore becomes indispensable where installation spaces are limited.

The UV chambers specially developed for these applications are extremely resistant. All the details have been designed to guarantee a long life even in the extreme working conditions found in the technical areas on board. The manual cleaning system of the quartz and the sensor always ensures an optimal dosage of UV rays to the pathogens present in the water. Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary waste of energy, the system is equipped with an automatic power regulation system based on the flow rate and/or UV dosage.

Some application examples:

Not all UV systems can be installed on board!

Programma Regionale FESR 2021-2027 – Azione 1.2.3 "Sostenere l’introduzione di pratiche e tecnologie digitali nelle imprese”.
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