Basket filters (GE/CS models) are constructed from stainless steel, either AISI 304 or AISI316, with a removable internal basket having a filtration grade of 800 μm.
Three different sizes ensure a flow range from 30 to 90 m3/h.
This type of housing is generally used for pre-filtration in the industrial sector to filter process water. A variant of the basket filters is represented by bag filters (GE/S models), which are particularly suitable for filtering water with high concentrations of suspended solids. The filter bags are available with different filtration grades.
from 30 to 90 m3/h
10 bar
Programma Regionale FESR 2021-2027 – Azione 1.2.3 "Sostenere l’introduzione di pratiche e tecnologie digitali nelle imprese”.
Bando “Supporto allo sviluppo di progetti di digitalizzazione nelle micro, piccole e medie imprese” - Anno 2024.