The fair exhibits products for water and wastewater treatment, distribution, sewage, industrial equipment, flood protection, seawater desalination, and geothermal solutions.
March 28-31, 2017 Berlin
On this occasion, SITA presented the latest innovations regarding the production of UV systems.
March 24-27, 2015 Berlin
For the third consecutive time, we have participated in this important fair in Germany.
Wasser Berlin continues to be a very significant event with a very high level of visitors.
Great emphasis was placed on our IT series, UV systems certified ONorm for drinking water!
WASSER BERLIN, for SITA, was the opportunity to showcase Made in Italy and the best of UV technology
Programma Regionale FESR 2021-2027 – Azione 1.2.3 "Sostenere l’introduzione di pratiche e tecnologie digitali nelle imprese”. Bando “Supporto allo sviluppo di progetti di digitalizzazione nelle micro, piccole e medie imprese” - Anno 2024.