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The fair exhibits products for water and wastewater treatment, distribution, sewage, industrial equipment, flood protection, seawater desalination, and geothermal solutions.

March  28-31, 2017 Berlin

On this occasion, SITA presented the latest innovations regarding the production of UV systems.

March 24-27, 2015 Berlin

For the third consecutive time, we have participated in this important fair in Germany.

Wasser Berlin continues to be a very significant event with a very high level of visitors.

Great emphasis was placed on our IT series, UV systems certified ONorm for drinking water!

March 24-27, 2013 Berlin

WASSER BERLIN, for SITA, was the opportunity to showcase Made in Italy and the best of UV technology

Programma Regionale FESR 2021-2027 – Azione 1.2.3 "Sostenere l’introduzione di pratiche e tecnologie digitali nelle imprese”.
Bando “Supporto allo sviluppo di progetti di digitalizzazione nelle micro, piccole e medie imprese” - Anno 2024.

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