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Piscina & Wellness Barcellona

The most international event in the industry! Where you will find all the leading brands and innovations in the sector of public and residential pools, wellness, and outdoor

October 18-21, 2011 Barcelona

Once again, we were present in Barcelona to showcase our medium-pressure systems, specifically designed for the public pool market.

October 20-23, 2009 Barcelona

The Barcelona Trade Fair is the international pool exhibition, particularly for the Mediterranean region. It is the ideal showcase to display SITA's UV solutions in this market.

October 17-20, 2007 Barcelona

Programma Regionale FESR 2021-2027 – Azione 1.2.3 "Sostenere l’introduzione di pratiche e tecnologie digitali nelle imprese”.
Bando “Supporto allo sviluppo di progetti di digitalizzazione nelle micro, piccole e medie imprese” - Anno 2024.

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